Our mission
Lasers4EU is incorporating the major laser research infrastructures, in a large number of European member states, into a comprehensive virtual distributed laser research infrastructure that is offering to a broad user community, from academia and industry, access to an exceptional portfolio of technical and scientific capabilities.
25 beneficiaries from 14 countries joined forces in Lasers4EU to:
Provide coordinated access to high-quality services based on a coherent and comprehensive consortium of 27 leading European laser installations offering to users from academia as well as from industry cutting-edge performances
Structure the European landscape of laser Research Infrastructure through enhanced access, extended geographical coverage, novel science diplomacy activities, improved synergies with other European networks/projects
Increase European human resources in the field of laser science by implementing training activities towards researchers from new domains of science and technology and from geographical regions where laser communities are still less developed.
29 partners
27 access providers
4 years
€5m EC co-funding
Power of diversity
Our diversity is reflected in the extensive network that spans 27 APIs (access provider infrastructures), along with the consortiums of Laserlab-Europe AISBL and ELI ERIC with all their members being associate partners.