
General Assembly

The General Assembly is the ultimate decision-making body of the project. It consists of one representative of each API, who may appoint a permanent substitute. In addition, the Chair of the Committee of User Representatives is member of the General Assembly.


The coordinating institution is the legal entity acting as the intermediary between the Partners and the EC. This institution is responsible for the efficient implementation of the project and communication flow. The coordinating institution is FVB-MBI, Germany.

Scientific Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Sylvie Jacquemot from the Laboratoire pour l’Utilisation des Lasers Intenses (LULI) located at École Polytechnique, France.

Management Board

The Management Board is the supervisory body for the execution of the project, in compliance with the directions and decisions of the General Assembly.

The members of the Management Board are: 

  • Sylvie Jacquemot (LULI, Scientific coordinator)
  • Daniela Stozno (FVB-MBI, Head of Administration Office)
  • Felix Sima (CETAL, Chair AcB)
  • John Collier (LLE, Executive director)
  • Olivier Utéza (LP3, Deputy chair AB)
  • Rosa Weigand (UCM, Chair UR)

Access Board (AB)

The Access Board manages the coordination of the API activities and supervision of the smooth operation of the access programme, takes care of the organisation and monitoring of the selection procedure of the access proposals, assesses the access outputs and user satisfaction, and prepares the implementation / dynamic reallocation plans.

The Access Board is chaired by Sylvie Jaquemot (LULI).

Activtity Board (AcB)

The Activity Board assists the Management Board in supervising the quality and the smooth operation of the Project’s networking and training activities, as well as in coordinating the interaction between them.

The Activity Board is chaired by Felix Sima (CETAL).

Project Office

The Project Office assists the Management Board and the Coordinator in all administrative tasks. The office is located at MBI, Germany.

Committee of User Representatives

The Committe of User Representatives delegates User Representatives to the consortium bodies and represents the interests of the European User community.