CLPU (Salamanca, Spain)
Centro de Laseres Pulsados / Center for Pulsed Lasers
CLPU operates VEGA, a multi Terawatt laser system composed by three independent and synchronised 30 fs Ti:Sa based-laser pulses centered on 800 nm wavelength: VEGA-3 of 1 PW (at 1Hz), VEGA- 2 of 200 TW (up to 10 Hz). Besides its architecture, the uniqueness of VEGA is that it is a petawatt-class laser system of high-repetition rate.
Contact: Jose A. Pérez-Hernández
Research highlights
Ion acceleration and Proton sources
CLPU has experience on laser ion acceleration via TNSA and its subsequent applications such as alpha-particle and radioisotope production, proton-boron nuclear reactions as well as neutron generation. Experimental campaigns focused on that have been carried out with VEGA laser system in the last ten years.
- Experimental and computational evaluation of alpha particle production from laser-driven proton–boron nuclear reaction in hole-boring scheme. Phys. Plasmas 32, 013102 (2025)
- Production of carbon-11 for PET preclinical imaging a high-repetition rate laser-driven proton source. Scientific Reports 14, 11448 (2024)
- Radioisotope production using lasers: from basic science to applications. Matter Radiat. Extremes 9, 037203 (2024)
- Demonstration of efficient relativistic electron acceleration by surface plasmonics with sequential target processing using high repetition lasers. Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013062 (2023)
- Integrated quantitative PIXE analysis and EDX spectroscopy using a laser-driven particle source Science Advances Vol 7, Issue 3 (2021) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc8660
- Proton stopping measurements at low velocity in warm dense carbon. Nat Commun 13, 2893 (2022).
- Generation of high energy laser-driven electron and proton sources with the 200 TW system VEGA 2 at the Centro de Laseres Pulsados. High Power Laser Science and Engineering, 7 (2019) DOI:
- More publications:
Electrons acceleration and X-ray radiation generation via laser-plasma interaction
A considerably number of experimental campaigns on electron acceleration via LWFA have been successfully carried out at CLPU. Also, x-ray radiation generation and the corresponding diagnostics for its characterization have been developed.
- Method of producing 100 keVs ion beams from a gas jet using two intense laser pulses. Proc. SPIE, Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons and Ions 1257904 (2023)
- Imaging electron angular distributions to assess a full-power petawatt-class laser focus Phys. Rev. A 108, 053101 (2023)
- Time-domain study of the synchrotron radiation emitted from electron beams in plasma focusing channel. Phys. Rev. E 105, 025201 (2022)
- Observation of tuneable parametric x-ray radiation emitted by laser-plasma electron beams interacting with crystalline structures. Phys. Rev. Acce. Beams 25, 063403 (2022)
- Off axis spiral phase mirrors for generating high-intensity optical vortices. Opt. Lett. 45, 2187-2190 (2020)
- Soft X-ray measurements with a gas detector coupled to microchips in laser-plasma experiments at VEGA-2 .JINST 15 C02006
- Towards an in situ, full-power gauge of the focal-volume intensity of petawatt-class lasers Opt. Express 27, 30020-30030 (2019)
- More publications:

VEGA 2 (200 TW) interaction chamber
The CLPU is the key Spanish user facility specialized in high-power ultrashort lasers and its applications included in the strategic National Roadmap of Unique Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS). Its main mission is to promote scientific and technological development by offering national and international user access to its laser system VEGA, successfully commissioned in 2017 (the 200 TW VEGA-2), and in 2019 (the PW VEGA-3).
VEGA is offered to national and international users with several modes of operation related to the selection of the synchronized lines, the repetition rate (single-shot, burst or nominal frequency or dividers modes,) and the energy (full power and/or lower regime).

VEGA 3 (Petawatt) interaction chamber
Equipment offered to external users

Target Area of the CLPU
The laser VEGA, a Titanium-Sapphire system based on CPA technology, is available offering two beamlines (200 TW and Petawatt) whose properly focalized can delivers (both) a peak intensity of I ~ 2×1020 W/cm2 in maximum compression. The more relevant parameters are described below, and in also can be found in detail in the web:
In addition, in the petawatt line we can provide a singularity: a double pulse configuration beam which consists of a delay line (two pulses delayed in time until 25 ps max.) with energies up to 12J and 3J respectively (and conversely). It has been used successfully for optimize the proton and ion acceleration.

Autocorrelation trace measurement on the double pulse configuration and Thomson parabola spectrometer + MCP
The CLPU facility can provide the following complementary equipment to VEGA:
- ULAMP Service (Ultrashort Laser Applications and Micromaterial Processing), a lab with a fs Spitfire laser system that provides a laser beam specially characterized for micromaterial processing. It supports basically the development in targetry and diagnostic devices.
- Microscopy Unit that has a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and an optical microscope, adding values to the performance of the experiments at CLPU.
- Electro-mechanical workshop, where we can design and manufacture customized pieces with high degree of precision for users’ experimental set-ups.
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