Laserlab-Europe AISBL (Brussels, Belgium)
Laserlab-Europe AISBL is an international not-for-profit association, bringing together 47 leading laser research infrastructures in 22 European countries. Jointly, they are committed to coordinate operation and R&D efforts in order to facilitate the development of advanced lasers and laser-based technologies, and to promote the efficient utilisation of advanced laser facilities by users from academia and industry. The majority of the members provide open access to their facilities to scientists from all over the world to perform experiments in a large variety of inter-disciplinary research, covering advanced laser science and applications in most domains of research and technology.
The mission of Laserlab-Europe AISBL is to promote the cooperation between European-level laser research infrastructures (RI) and to establish and coordinate the operation of laser RIs with the objectives of
- facilitating the development of advanced lasers and laser-based technologies for research and innovation,
- stimulating and promoting the efficient utilization of existing advanced laser RIs by Users from academia as well as industry and medical centres, thus exploiting their full scientific and technological potential,
- promoting scientific excellence in laser-based research, by allowing experiments of the highest scientific quality to utilize the most suitable laser RI, independently of the affiliation of the Users and of the location of the RI, and
- stimulating and reinforcing cost efficient development of European laser RIs, by coordinated R&D efforts, staff exchange and sharing of know-how and by fostering uniqueness and avoiding expensive duplications.
Contact: Laserlab-Europe Office